Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Camille Paglia on Gay Marriage

From an article in Salon:

I may be an atheist, but I respect religion and certainly find it far more
philosophically expansive and culturally sustaining than the me-me-me sense of
foot-stamping entitlement projected by too many gay activists in the unlamented
past. My position has always been (as in "No Law in the Arena" in my 1994 book,
"Vamps & Tramps") that government should get out of the marriage business.
Marriage is a religious concept that should be defined and administered only by
churches. The government, a secular entity, must institute and guarantee civil
unions, open to both straight and gay couples and conferring full legal rights
and benefits. Liberal heterosexuals who profess support for gay rights should be
urged to publicly shun marriage and join gays in the civil union movement.

This is one area where I actually agree with Paglia. Allow people to form whatever legal union they want. Allow them to legally declare whomever they want as beneficiaries of their social security benefits, but don't call it "marriage".

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